Thursday, July 30, 2009

T9 Worth the Crime?

"Alright I'll be there in a few, ttyl!" This is an example of an average text message sent by millions of Americans across our country each day. The popular way of communication started off as a trend for college and high school students but has now grown into a common way of contact among friends, colleagues, and families. Parents are now aware of how to text message and often prefer this way of communication rather than a phone call. The problem is texting is now becoming a major problem on our roads.

Parents and kids alike underestimate the dangers of texting while operating a vehicle. A recent New York Times article states "the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that truck drivers face a 23 times greater risk of crash or near crash when texting than when not doing so." My question to Americans is this: "Is it worth someone's life to send that text message to your friend while driving?" I'll be honest; I've sent hundreds of text messages while driving in the past. However, after the recent news of deaths on the road because of this, I've become much more aware of the danger I'm putting others in.

The problem has gotten so bad the Government is now taking action. Text messaging while driving is currently illegal in 14 states, including California, New Jersey, and Washington D.C. The bill is currently awaiting a signature from the Governor of New York to become a mandate in the nation's third most populated state. I believe all states should acquire this law in order to protect the safety of our citizens. New York Senator Charles E. Schumer stated "Studies show this is far more dangerous than talking on a phone while driving or driving while drunk, which is astounding." Schumer makes a logical and scary point. To know that texting while driving is legal in the majority of our states and that it is more dangerous than drunk driving should make Americans afraid to get behind the wheel. The Government has declared that states who choose not to ban texting could owe "hundreds of millions of dollars in federal highway funds under legislation." This type of enforcement is a great start to solving the problem we are faced with. Every American must be informed of the dangers of texting while driving. If the message is that important, pulling over to the side of the road to finish your sentence should be your decision rather than putting others lives at stake.

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