Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is Sotomayor Fit for the Supreme Cour

The Supreme Court is a vital piece of our American Government and has been for over the past 200 years. One would think the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices would consist of the greatest judges our country has to offer. However, after reading an article from the Los Angeles Times I'm beginning to question our President's latest Supreme Court nominee.
Sonia Sotomayor was questioned on Wednesday about her opinions on many different subjects including gay rights, abortion, and gun rights. The federal judge simply avoided answering the questions that were thrown her way and would not let the Republicans gain any new information from her. Sen. Tom Coburn asked about a woman who was 38 weeks pregnant and discovered the fetus had a "small spina bifida sac . . . on the lower part of the back." He asked: "Would it be legal in this country to terminate that child's life?" Sotomayor responded with "I can't answer that question in the abstract."
Sotomayor also avoided questions about gun rights. "Sotomayor refused to say whether she thought the 2nd Amendment's "right to bear arms" applied to state and local laws." Finally, Sotomayor wanted nothing to do with questions involving same sex marriage. The article states "Sotomayor also steered clear of questions involving the federal Defense of Marriage Act and bans on same-sex marriage."

This article is worth a glance for a number of reasons. The officials elected into the Court make thousands of important decisions for the citizens of our nation. It's crucial to have members of our Supreme Court that are not afraid to speak about what they believe in and not be intimidated by what others will think. Sonia Sotomayor does not appear to have the confidence required to take a position in the U.S. Supreme Court.

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