Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hold Your Fire

A recent article from the New York Times Opinion section argues over a gun law that is trying to be passed in the senate. Senator John Thune, a Republican of South Dakota, is trying to get an amendment passed that would “force states with more restrictive standards to accept concealed carry permits from states with less stringent rules — in effect giving the lax rules national reach.” The editor of this column strongly disagrees with the purposed amendment for public safety reasons and police officer confusion. Evidence has shown that in the past two years people holding concealed handgun licenses have killed more innocent civilians than in any other two year span. Also, with the new law being passed, it would cause confusion among policemen because it would be harder to determine who is carrying a legal or illegal firearm.

The author of this editorial is targeting the general adult public. He wants the readers to understand the danger the purposed amendment could cause. He respects what the senator is purposing, however he strongly disagrees with the law he is trying to have passed. Although the editorial does not mention an author, I give a great amount of credibility to the composer because of his well formed arguments and use of credible sources. The author is not against the purposed amendment simply because it is his opinion; he gives evidence as to how the past two years have been the most deadly for concealed gun holders and how loosening up the gun laws between states will only cause more problems. The claim the author makes is that the less intense gun laws between states would make our country less safe than it currently is. I have to agree with this statement because it makes since logically. Making it easier to acquire concealed gun licenses and transport firearms between states will only cause more people who are not qualified to purchase and possess a gun. This will cause for more unnecessary violence and possible deaths. The article states “Between May 2007 and April 2009, people holding concealed handgun permits killed at least seven police officers and 44 private citizens, according to a new study by the Violence Policy Center, a gun control advocacy organization.” This evidence is enough to convince me that if anything we should be stricter about our gun control policies in the United States. Loosening the policies on firearms is the opposite of what we need in our country.

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