Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CARS Going Green

Dianne posted a great blog entry detailing how President Obama's new CARS program will help our environment and in particular global warming. The program known as CARS, or car allowance rebate system will benefit our country and hopefully will catch on for countries throughout the world. Dianne points out in her blog that "Today, cars in America contribute to 33% of carbon dioxide emissions, the primary contributor to global warming." With the new plan, automakers are going to be required to manufacture cars that produce at least 35.5 miles per gallon. More money will be required for the research of the vehicles and because of this President Obama has granted millions of dollars to help aid the advances.

I believe this program is a wonderful way to help our economy and help prevent global warming. By pouring more money into research for these new vehicles, Americans will want to buy new cars because they will save them money in the long run by not having to spend so much on fuel. Car buyers will also be helping the environment by purchasing these new vehicles because they will be distributing less carbon dioxide emissions. This plan goes great right along with the Cash for Clunkers program that is currently going on in America.

It is nearly impossible these days to not be in a car at least once every single day. Alternative transportation is not always an option for many Americans. Our Government is doing a fabulous job of thinking about the economic situation for Americans as well as the environment with the new CARS program. Dianne has done a terrific job of explaining both parts of the new program.

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