Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Beginning of the End

The economic recession is a subject most Americans don't like to talk about because it has either affected their family immediately from a job loss or they are afraid that it will in the near future. This may not be the case for much longer thanks to President Obama and his administration. In a recent New York Times article President Obama stated "We’re losing jobs at less than half the rate we were when I took office” This comes after the month of July produced the smallest monthly drop in employment since last August.

I believe that President Obama and is administration are handling our recession with care and are doing everything in their power to try and bring our economy back to where it was many years ago. The recent Cash for Clunkers plan has been such a success, the Government had to commit 2 billion more dollars to help cover the demand for cars being purchased. This program is helping the auto industry sell vehicles, the people by saving them gas money, and the environment by not polluting as much and saving our oil. This type of program is another great step that is being used to try and help in this time of recession.

In conclusion, I believe our Government is doing a wonderful job in attempting to bring back our economy. This is definitely a process that can not happen overnight. The President has many concerns that he is currently dealing with, however I believe the economy should be one of the top priorities on his list. I believe within a year our economy will be back to where it was a few years ago and America will realize that our President understands and has what it takes to lead our nation.


  1. As we all know the economic recession is not something people like to talk about. Tyler, a fellow blogger, also knows that Americans hate talking or living in a recession. In this blog Tyler is letting all of us know that he thinks the government is doing a good job in helping our country get out of our recent slump. Tyler shows us that the New York Times has President Obama stating, “We’re losing jobs at less than half the rate we were when I took office.” Tyler also is applauding the efforts of the government by starting the Cash for Clunkers plan that has been a hit among many Americans today. I also agree that this program will help get the automobile industry going and will intern help people get their jobs back. I do not know much about the cash for clunkers, and would have liked a link or a little more information about it. I have enjoyed reading Tyler’s post; there are many of blogs that are bashing the Obama Administration it is enjoyable to read something with a little praise in it.

  2. I agree with what Tyler said about our government being able to pull our economy out of the recession. The "Cash for Clunkers" plan has been successful, although some people don't agree because so much money has been put into it. Most people believe Obama so far hasn't been successful because he hasn't directly helped their family or them recently, but in the long run I believe Obama will help the majority of Americans get back on their feet, even if it takes longer than what some people are willing to wait for. Americans are being more critical of Obama's plan for the near future, I believe, because he actually has a plan and is sticking to it. So if it goes wrong, or isn't "up to par" of what society wants, then they're willing to be more critical of him. But if things go well, then they get upset because Obama didn't "step up" or "take it further." When the long run comes around though, our economy eventually will get better. We just have to be willing to be patient for it, and not expect direct results right away.
